Our 10th Anniversary. Enjoying a drink and some Calamari on Earls Patio. Was a sweet reminder of our honeymoon in Kelowna. I love Bonnie so much and am very thankful for 10 years together. We are planning something exciting and romantic for the winter. We'll see I guess.

Papa and Ben playing on the beach in Osoyoos.

Elias with auntie Lynnette and Auntie Shelley.

Elias enjoying his pool. He loved the water and beach!

Ben playing with Lila. What a fun cousin!

Ben and Elias playing on the bed!

Ben and Opa having a nap on the beach.

Elias and Oma having beach time!

Family swim!!

Morning mate ritual. With a super beautifl view from the deck. It was great.

Bena and I in La Crete. So fun.

Taking after his OPA!

Trip home in the van. 16 hours and the boys were awesome!

Boys playing together. Dressed the same. They are cute.

Bonnie decided we should paint the house.

This is the house painted, Mountain Moss, excpet you have to imagine new eaves troughs.

Just for Opa. These are the sweet Hungarian. So many pepers.

Cousin Julie when we went to Hepburn!

Stealing firewood from the neighbors. This was a nice night in Hepburn.

Even the babies liked being outside.

Ben being silly in the van on the way home from Hepburn.

Elias being cute!

Elais enjoying mommies plants.

One more...I am a proud papa!

Our friend Avery went off to CBC. We miss her.