Mark's Mind

Monday, January 22, 2007

So What...

Most of you that read my blog know I am at school and am finishing my Youth Work degree. Well, this semester I am taking a New Testament Theology class and for the first assignement we needed to read a novel, "A Skeleton in God's Closet" by Paul Maier. Anyway to catch you up to speed the book details an archeological dig that happens to find the bones, remains, body of Jesus Christ.
So for the paper we needed to write we were to discuss the ramifications, if any, this would have on the world. What if we did find the body of Jesus and his pyhsical resurection was put into question. What then? What kind of ripples would that send through religious beliefs and more specifically Christianity?

Just some food for thought. It has dominated my thinking as of late. Actually, I do have another thought to discuss but will save that for another day. Can't expound all I know in one day. So lets hear some responses.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Oh Yeah Coaldale!!

So the first week of our excursion to Alberta was Coaldale. It was really great to go there and see all of our other "family". The sad part is when you go somewhere like home for a week you realize how much you actually miss being there and how many people we could have seen there.

This is a picture of Ben on Tante Helene's counter one morning. I think he gets away with almost anything there. He gets raisins, cookies andall sorts of love. He even coerces Helene to rock him to sleep at night. The Mantlers are super special people and we appreciate their kindness to us as well.Colin and Trina came over as well. So poker was on the ajenda and it was a good time. Bryan is a shark and pretends like he doesn't know what he is doing. Whatever, he is a farmer he gambles all the time. It was a great evening we ate steak and all the fixin's. Yummy and had a super time of fellowship.We got to spend a few nights in many places. We spent many nights at Tanya and Everts place. They are great. They hosted us and fed us and all sorts of other fun stuff. This is Ben with Eve and Arianna. Ben really plays well with Eve she is a few moths older than Ben and we think they will get married one day!! We even got to spend a little time with T's parents and that was a special treat. They are great people and we are very grateful they opened their Christmas to us as well.

Another one of our families had us over as well for a day of Wall time. It was great!! This is where Ben started his fiasco of gifts that lasted for nearly 3 weeks. It was great to watch Avery and Ainsley love Ben and hold and care for him. He is a lucky boy to have those to girls doting on him.

Well, that will bring this blog to an end. Thanks for allthe great times in Coaldale. Many people hosted and served and treated us all week and it was great. We look forward to returning to our home, the church and friends again real soon.

Avery I posted this picture just for you. He loves Avery and plays with your picture all the time. Thanks for being a good big sister.

peace out,


Dyck Christmas!

So last weekend that would have been the 13th of January we had our Dyck family Christmas. It is not as crazy as other famous families that make movies of their family Christmas's but it sure was a gooder.
We started the saturday night with a huge turkey supper with all the extras and everything. I already missed eating turkey, stuffing, potatoes, corn and all the yummy extra's that go along with it. I mean it had been almost two weeks since we ate turkey last.
This is how my dad celebrated the festive season. I don't think he has taken these antlers off for nearly a month. Just kidding but it is very festive for my dad.

These are pictures of my brother Anthony and his wife Shelley and my sister Vicky with Bonnie. It was great to spend time with them again. We were gone for nearly a month and so it was so fun to connect again and share gifts and stories of Christmas and enjoy a great evening together. This was a Christmas without Lynnette and Kyle. We miss them a lot and anticipate a super duper return in Christmas 2007. We did have a new addition to our family. Vicky and Jono had a little girl named Lila in Novemeber. She is so cute and getting a little chubby. It's amazing to watch little creations develope and turn into little people.

This is the ever happy Werner and Barb. They spoiled us again this Christmas. We love you both and appreciate all you do for us. We always have fun at your house and look forward to many more weekends there.

Thats it for a few days of posting. Enjoy the pics and leave a message if you like.

peace out


Happy Birthday Benjamin!!

So it was our sons very special second birthday on December 31. It was a super good time. This winter he learned about gifts and opening them. He loves the concept of recieving gifts and also wathching others open gifts. This was a proud moment for dad. He gave Ben a little John Deere Tractor with a grain wagon. Ben still plays with the tractor and loves it. Thanks mom and dad. His 2nd official Birthday party was with his 4 cousins. India, Julie, Lana and his only male cousin Nathan. It was great they enjoyed some salami, cheese, crackers and then some hand crafted and decorated cupcakes. It was lots of fun, all 20 minutes of chaos. A few highlights were the fact that the candles got lit about 5 or 6 times so everyone could have at least one turn.

India and the birthday hat was a great time as well. She loved it for but a fleeting moment. HEHE!! The gift opening was very uneventful because after Christmas the kids only care about the toys already out there. So Ben and papa opened gifts. The clothes were less exciting then the tractor and easel. Thanks again aunts and uncles and cousins for some great gifts.

So I look forward to being the father of a two year old. He is so fun and loving and hyper it is a treat being papa. How to properly raise and nurture and love will be the challenge to learn. My patience and control are boaderline terrible . Ben is teaching me patience. I pray God continues to give patience and love for this little son of mine. What a blessing. I love that kid and look forward to the many years we will enjoy eachothers company.
peace out

Christmas Pics!!

So I have been harrassed for the past few weeks regarding a new post on my blog. So here are a few that I worked on this afternoon. I will start this post with many pictures from our time in Airdrie at Bonnie's parents place. This post includes pictures of all sorts of events and family type times. We had a great time there and enjoyed seeing family and more family for many days on end. It was a great relaxing time to spend in Alberta.

These are Bonnies parents in their new leathers. Don't they look so sharp!
This was Christmas morning. We spent this time alone with the-in laws. It was great. We just relaxed and enjoyed family and a few gifts for eachother.

We ate our share of ham over the holidays and Ben enjoyed standing at the counter and helping out!! Did I mention we ate a lot there. The food didn't seem to have an end. A strict work out regime is in place along with some fasting for the New Year.

Another cool thing at the farm are the horses. We all enjoyed them on a few nice days in windy Airdrie. This is the first time for Ben on a horse and he really liked it. The chores and feeding times were thoroughly enjoyed by Ben. It was his quiet time with Grandpa. Ben loved petting the cats and playing with Tuffy.

These are the Dyck's, Bonnies aunt and her girls. It was great to hang with them a number of times as well. They live in Calgary and we had a blast with them.

Ben loved his time with his cousins. The loved their new toys and played lots. They are fun and we are still talking about them today. This is a picture of Stacy, Bonnie's sister in Lethbridge. We miss spending time with her and Jerry. We loved staying at their place. Thanks!!

Ben and Nathan are only 6 months apart in age and have lots of fun togther. Here they are having a serious conversation, the first of many I am sure. They both have lots of things to say.
This next picture is of Shelley and Bonnie. We also miss the time with Gil and Shelley but enjoyed all the visiting we got in over the Christmas time.

We thats our family gathering in Airdrie it lasted for a few weeks but it was very enjoyable. Hope you enjoy the pics and the small narrative alongside. I will attempt to post again with some Dyck family pics and a few of our time in Coaldale.
Peace out