Date Night!!
So tonight I get to take my wife ....and only my wife on a date. This is a very special occasion because since we have had Elias we don't go out alone very often. He is very attacted to her and her to him. We have a few gift certificates and it was payday today so we will splurge. Will be very fun I am very excited. I will give some of the details when we are done this fun evening.
On a side note and Bonnie will say why do you do that. I love my wife and she is great. You know she is an amazing mother. She has so much patience and cares so much for our two little dudes. She loves and loves endlessly. It is so cool to watch how sensitive and gentle she is with them. She is so loving. She sits and plays and laughs and hugs and wrestles with Ben. She holds and coos and talks to Elias. She is all ears and attention when it comes to Benjamin and Elais. You can tell they are soo super important to her and she treasures those guys. We thank God for them all the time.
I also think she is the greatest friend. She loves me as annoying as I get sometimes and as crazy and insensitive as I am. She keeps loving and supporting me. She sacrifices of herself for me and patiently waits for me. She laughs with me and cries with me. She talks and rejoices and laments with me when that needs to happen as well. She questions me and supports me. She challenges me and helps me learn new things all the time. God has and is working in her life he is changing her and molding her all the time.
Thanks for reading my sap. Bonnie may not read this because she rarely checks this thing. So know that if Bonnie is your friend, she is a good one. I love her and am so thankful she is the mother of my children and my best friend!!md