Mark's Mind

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New pics and video!

Hey Blog family...if that is a real thing and assuming people actually read this thing other than my mom and sister. I am excited to once again post, my mom isn't home for a few more days so this will be a surpise for her. I have a few pics of the boys and a little video of Ben being a Cowboy around our kitchen table. He is riding a horse of Grandpa's and Eve is riding a different one(she isn't there though). Elias is content to just lay and watch his brother go nuts.

Also I have a few new pics!

His buddy Jennifer!! Soo fun !

At his new table in the kitchen. He loves hanging here.

Good buddy Arianna!! So cute!

Bonnie, Elias and Bonnies sister and her new son only three weeks younger than Elias. They are buddies already!!


Saturday, January 05, 2008

More and More Pictures!

Here are lots of pictures!! Mostly these are for one certian someone that calls and asks me to put them up because she isn't on facebook.

Mommy and Elais so special!!

This next picture is of Elias, Matthew and Kendall. They are his new cousins born 3 weeks and 5 weeks after him!!

Here you go!! Love you and enjoy!